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Album Bruneifishing.

Friday, 4 January 2008

Tangakapan on tahun baru 01/01/

Name : Patrick L
Catch : Belida
Rod & Spool : Pro Tech Stik + Pioneer Spool
Location : Di Bawah Jambatan Rasau, 01-01-2008
Time : 11am
Bait : Udang Mati
My fight with the fish - I arrive there at 9am,but for the first hour,the spot i'm at not that good,nothing eating the bait, so i change to the other side,below the bridge and set up my line and bait and cast into the river.After waiting for an hour,i decided to check on my bait.when i start reeling back my line, i feel like the line sangkut down at bottom,so i pull my rod back hardly and try to reel back my line again.The same thing happen,still feel the line sangkut and thus i pull my rod again and this time i feel like something pulling my line because i can reel back my line and it feel heavy.I keep on reeling in my line and then the fish jump up off the surface of the water.i'm happy to see that and reel back slowly,scare my line breaks.The fish jump up for another time and i reel back nice and slow,keep my reeling steady not wanting the line to break.and in about 10 minutes,i got the fish on land..P/s : please tell me the name of the fish,Thanks.from ,Patrick L


Anonymous said...

Nama lauk atu ialah belida...nice catch !!! keep it up !!!

Anonymous said...

fish name is belida and this fish is known for medication..